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Hawk multimedia [India]

Country/Region: India

Inquiry about food paper bag making equipment  [India]

Update Time: 2011-04-07
Valid to: Never Expired
Detailed Description: Hi, this is Vijay kumar Adagiri I am exited to know more about the project will run and the work flow as I am interested in investing in this project. These are the few questions, which are there in my mind kindly help me with this: 1. I want to know everything in detail about how its can be established 2. What all are the inputs need 3. Where can I establish it 4. Where can I get the material from and skilled manpower 5. What is the turn over? 6. Is the company has to be registered, and how is it been done 7. What are the prices of the Machinery, how can I get the Machinery? Do let me know in-detail, as I need your help in this regards.
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Mr. vijay kumar
Hawk multimedia
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